Tierra class

Tierra class

kinder I
3- 4 years
9:00am - 1:30pm

In Tierra class we continue to support children in their personal, social and emotional journeys. Making sure they can communicate and play with their peers in kind and respectful way. We also continue to develop gross and fine motor skills they need for moevement and academic work and strongly develop their communication and language skills. 

By Tierra Class children have developed skills that they need to have a little more attention and concentration. Whilst we still make sure all learning is through play and encourage child initiated activities we also give more teacher directed instructions to start with more focussed learning in mathematics and literacy. The children love learning through their topics such as Space and Dinosaurs. 

Play Create Grow

At Ombu we believe in learning through play. It is through play children will develop communication, social skills and problem solving strategies that will help them grow into strong independent learners. From their very first day at Ombu we use this love of play to guide their learning and their physical and social skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. In addition to their class teacher and Guias the children at Ombu have different classes taught by specialists, including, Yoga, Parkour, and Jammy music.


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