Fuego Class

Fuego class

kinder II
4- 5 years
9:00am - 1:30pm

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Fuego class is our Kinder 2 class an important year for these small children where they learn to read and write and be able to complete basic mathematical problems sch as addition and subtraction. However, whilst it is an important year it is still taught with a mindful awareness that the children are still young and learning is made to be fun and creative so their intrinsic desire to learn that has helped them develop so much in the last 4 years continues to thrive.  The teacher plans for circle time inputs, small group times and 1:1 sessions as well as preparing the classroom each day with fun and creative activities that the children will want to engage and learn from. Learning never has to be boring! From this year at Ombu the children have great opportunities to go on to some of the best ‘big schools’. Our aim is for them not only to be academically ready for their next big step but also to leave happy, confident, creative and resilient enough to be excited about their next

Play Create Grow

At Ombu we believe in learning through play. It is through play children will develop communication, social skills and problem solving strategies that will help them grow into strong independent learners. From their very first day at Ombu we use this love of play to guide their learning and their physical and social skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. In addition to their class teacher the children at Ombu have different classes taught by specialists, including, Yoga, Music, and Parkour.


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